FALL 2023

Leonard Barrett*,Steph Holmbo*, Lisa Young, Yasmine Emani Hunter, Trent Hines


Auditions for LIZZIE are on Sunday, April 13 and Monday, April 14 from 5-10 p.m.
Find more details about the production and sign up to audition here.

Auditions for SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE! will be in May.

Additionally, we encourage you to join our casting database. All actors in the database will be notified of any open auditions.

Note: actors are automatically added to the database when they audition at the Fox.

Please note, we are currently not able to hire actors who do not have local housing. Non-locals, please feel free to join the casting database and let us know if you’re interested in specific roles/shows. We will reach out if we are unable to fill a role locally.